TBR Thursday #5

Moonlight Reader started TBR Thursday

I only add the physical copies I get, not the kindle copies.  This is a bit of a cop-out as I'm more inclined to buy ebooks these days than I am paper books but hey, this is my TBR Thursday and I can be in denial if I like :D


Plenty Tons of ebooks but only a couple of paper stories.   TBR #5.


One purchase and a publisher submission.  Pretty skimpy but I'm glad because I'm trying to whittle down my paper book mountains.





I bought Trail of Fire when we stopped off at Falkland Palace while we were looking at a house for sale there.  This was the only book in their gift shop so it came home with me.  Did you know that parts of Outlander were filmed in Falkland?


Skin arrived unannounced from Hodder & Stoughton but it's got a far distant publication date (Aug 2015) so I've got plenty of time to get to that one.  Sounds interesting.  Celtic Britain AD 43.  I'll give it a whirl.


Anyhoo, that's it for this week's TBR Thursday.  Until next time...Whenever that is. :D


TBR - 21