I started Where the Bodies are Buried last year (that feels weird to say since it's only been a few days) and it is my first finish of 2016. I had heard lots of good things about Christopher Brookmyre so a few months ago I picked up Quite Ugly One Morning which is the first of the Jack Parlabane series and I can see why he's so popular, I loved it. Tartan Noir with liberal doses of black humour and I bought several more of his books on the strength of it.
Where the Bodies are Buried is the first in another of his series, Sharpe Investigations. It was slow to start and I was a bit disappointed because the humour is missing from this one. I had heard that the series was a bit light on laughs compared to his earlier work so it wasn't unexpected but still felt lacking, a bit. I plowed on though and it was actually a great read by the end. The ending though, gah! I was seriously vexed by the last sentence which went something like, "She took a deep breath and found the courage to say the four words." I was like, "Wait! What?! What four words?!! What did she say????" I brooded on it all last night and most of this morning too until suddenly it came to me! I get it! I know what she said and the four words make me even more keen to get to the next one now. I won't spoil it for anyone by spilling the four words though. You're welcome :D
The guy can definitely write. Slick story, plenty of surprises, great characters and Glasgow is a brilliant setting. The Glaswegian gallows humour is like music to my ears and although not as full on as in his earlier book it was still very well done.
He has a way to go until he overtakes the king of Scottish black humour (Jay Stringer - Ways to Die in Glasgow) but he's close and I'll definitely keep working through his books.
This first finish allows me to cross off the first letter in my AtoZ challenge and I'm calling this one: D - A book with lots of DEATHS
Also, it adds another 304 pages to my 1 Million pages challenge.