Review - Mrs Sinclair's Suitcase by Louise Walters

Mrs Sinclair's Suitcase - Louise Walters


I was sure I'd written a review for this one already...Can't find it. If I did then it's lost to the mists of time. Can't remember what I wrote now :/  Oh well, second time lucky!
This is a dual timeline story and I liked it quite a bit. Told in alternating parts from the point of view of Roberta, a thirty something single woman working in an independent bookshop in present times, and her grandmother Dorothy during the WWII.

I find with most dual time period books that I'm drawn to one era over the other and this was partially true with this one. I really liked Dorothy's sections set in the early 1940's. I liked Roberta's parts a bit too but really felt that it was secondary to the real story. There's a bit of mystery, tragedy, hopefulness, regret and at the heart of it a love story, of sorts. There's a lot of heartbreak here and it seems like a lot has been packed into less than 300 pages.

I would never have guessed that this was a debut book, it's very well written and I'll probably look out for more by this new author
*Note - I was sent a copy of this title by the publisher*